Abbreviated CV
1999 Ph.D. in Art Education, Florida State University
Area of Focus: Art Education, Art Assessment, and Curriculum
Supporting Areas: Native American Studies
1987 Master of Art in Teaching, Florida Atlantic University
Area of Focus: Art Education and Curriculum
Supporting Areas: Drawing, painting, and mixed surfaces graduate exhibition
1974 Bachelor of Fine Art, Florida Atlantic Universit
Area of Focus: Photography, Drawing, and Art History
Supporting Area: Art Education, K-12 Certification
1972 Associate of Art, Daytona Beach Community College
Current – 1999 - Missouri State University
2017 - Professor Salary Incentive Program recipient
2012 - Professor
2007 - Associate Professor
1999 - Assistant Professor
2019 - 2013 & 2005 - 1999 - Coordinator of Graduate and Undergraduate Art Education
2015 - 2013 - Provost Fellow for Diversity
2014 - 2012 - Coordinator of Foundation Studies
1999 -1995 - James S. Rickards High School, Tallahassee, FL
1999 - 1997 - Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. Adjunct
1994 - 1989 - Palm Beach Community College, Boca Raton, FL. Adjunct
1992 - Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL. Adjunct
1995 - 1975 - Atlantic Community High School, Delray Beach, FL
Peer-reviewed & Invitational
Publications - Presentations - Reviewer
Intersecting differing realities. Journal for Art Education, Pakistan. Sadik, R & Jalil, R. (eds).
Critical identities: Native americana. Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues. Boulton, A. & Von Steinhagen, H. (eds).
Art awareness to view power and democracy with Richards, A. a chapter in The Political Turn: Promoting Civic Engagement through Art and Education. Bastos, F. & Blandy, D. (eds). Oxfordshire, England, UK: Routledge.
Silent Songs: A transformational process a chapter In Pursuit of Wellbeing: Practical Approaches for Honoring the Whole Person through Art Education. Oliver, K. (ed).
A Reflection on mindful meditation. A chapter in the conference proceedings for ART EDUCATION IN THE TIME OF CORONAVIRUS: REFLECTING ON TODAY, ANTICIPATING TOMORROW. Czech Council for the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) – International Virtual Conference.
Education through the lens of spirituality. A contribution to Facing COVID-19 Challenges and Re-envisioning and Interconnective Future with Arnold, Caldwell, LaPorte, Pierce, Richards, Shin, Shipe & Wexler. Conference proceedings for ART EDUCATION IN THE TIME OF CORONAVIRUS: REFLECTING ON TODAY, ANTICIPATING TOMORROW. Czech Council for the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) – International Virtual Conference.
Artist/exhibitor – Bricolage. Open call international exhibition of Visual Arts. Undiksa, Singaraja, Bali. Curators: Curator: Hardiman, Ariesa Pandanwangi, Angela Saldanha, Elida Maria Matsumoto, Ahamad Tarmizi, & MD. Imran Hossen
Sounds of Ceremony: A Visual Essay. Journal for Art Education, Pakistan. Sadik, R & Jalil, R. (eds).
Walking Meditation a chapter in Pedagogical propositions: Playfully walking with A/R/Tography. Irwin, R.L., Barney, D.T., Lee, N. Y.S., & Ursino, J. M. (eds). InSEA.
Elders + Art + Culture a chapter in Art Education and Aging. Davenport, M. & Cohee Manifold, M. (eds). Alexandria, VA: The National Art Education Association.
Author with Richards, A. The Eve of a Storm: When Visual Arts Education Fulfills the Mission of Educating Students for Citizenship in a Global Community. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
Books, Book Chapters, Journal Articles, Exhibitions, Presentations
Contributor/Artist – The Book of Arts: Believe. Ontario, CA: Gallerium.
Empowerment through Artistic Voice: The role of education and the arts in raising global awareness and contemporary identity. (7)27. 2637-2657. The AmeSea Association Journal. Cairo, Egypt. Peer-reviewed.
STREAM. Research in Artistic Education and The Arts. 21(1), Winter. (8-12). Cairo, Egypt: Technical Education College of Helwan University. Peer-reviewed.
Cartographies of artistic education a chapter in the InSEA Congreso Regional: Cartografías de las Educación Artística y la Multiculturalidad Visual at El Universidad Alberto Hurtado: Facultad Filosofía y Humanidades. Peer-reviewed.
The Journey of Awakening. A chapter in A Perspective of Multicultural Education and Diversity. Barrón, D. I. (Ed.), (51-58). Dubuque, IL: Kendall Hunt. ISBN 978-1-7924-3887-5. Invited.
Author with Richards, A. Democracy in the 21st Century, Citizenship, and Arts Education, a chapter in Art Education: Conflicts and Connections (Vella, R., Saldanha, A., Maksimovic, M., & Johnson, J., Orgs) InSEA Publications. ISBN: 978-989-54683-8-6, DOI: 10.24981/2020-4. Invited.
A Reflection on Mindful Meditation. ART EDUCATION IN THE TIME OF CORONAVIRUS: REFLECTING ON TODAY, ANTICIPATING TOMORROW. Czech Council for the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) - International Virtual Conference. Invited.
Finding one’s voice through global awareness in times of challenge and transformation. InSEA Asia Regional Congress, Hong Kong, and The 7th World Chinese Arts Education Symposium: Proceedings (19-30). InSEA Asia Regional Congress, Hong Kong, 2018, and The 7th World Chinese Arts Education Symposium. Proceedings Chief Editor: Wong So-lan, Yichien Cooper, & Hung Yung-shan. Invited.
Author - with Richards, A. Global Consciousness through the Arts: A Passport for Students and Teachers, 2nd ed. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt.
Otherness as a Form of Knowingness in iMAG v7. InSEA Publications /APECV: Quinta da Cruz. Estrada de São Salvador, 3510-784 São Salvador, Viseu Portugal ISSN 2414-3332. Principal Editors: Teresa Eça (Portugal); Glen Coutts (Scotland); Angela Saldanha (Portugal); Ana Barbero (Spain). Invited/Peer-reviewed. ISBN: 978-989-20-7673-7 DOI: 10.24981/978 Invited.
Author with Cohee-Manifold, M. & Zimmerman, E. Frameworks for Teaching about Culturally Sensitive Art Education in a Global World based on an NAEA Handbook for Teachers in Learning Through Art, a chapter in Lessons for the 21st Century. Intellect. Peer-reviewed.
Author/Contributor - Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators for Art Education. Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ. Invited.
Indigenous Knowledge: Its Role in Education a chapter in African Science Education: Gendering Indigenous Knowledge in Nigeria. (Abidogun, J., ed.), Routledge African Studies Series. Invited.
Author with Richards, A. - Global Consciousness through the Arts: A Passport for Students and Teachers. Des Moines, IA: Kendall-Hunt Publishers. Invited.
The Intersectionality of Understanding Otherness (542-548) in Ahn, H., Choi, S., & Nam, Y. Spirit ∞ Art ∞ Digital: Proceedings from 2017 InSEA World Congress EXCO, Daegu, Korea.
A Tapestry of Individuality: Weaving Complexion, Identity and Authority in Transforming our Practices: Indigenous Art, Pedagogies and Philosophies. Ballengee-Morris, C, & Staikidis, K. (Eds.) Alexandria, VA: The National Art Education Association. Peer-reviewed
Author/Contributor - Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators for Art Education. Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ. Invited.
Author/Columnist - The United States Society for Education through Art in NAEANews: Advancing Art Education. 57(2), April 2015. National Art Education Association, Reston, VA. Invitational. Invited.
Author/Columnist - The United States Society for Education through Art in NAEANews: Advancing Art Education. 57(1), February 2014. National Art Education Association, Reston, VA. Invited.
Author/Columnist -The United States Society for Education through Art in NAEANews: Advancing Art Education. 57(2), April 2014. National Art Education Association, Reston, VA. Invited.
Crystalline awareness: A suggestion for arts assessment. Special Issue of Visual Arts Research: (tidbits) The easiest thing I ever published! Lucero, J. (ed). 40(1), Summer 2014, (149-152). University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. DOI: 10.5406/visuartsrese.40.1.0149. Peer-reviewed.
Author/Guest Columnist for Caucus in the Spiritual in Art Education in NAEANews: Advancing Art Education. 57(2), April 2014. National Art Education Association, Reston, VA. Invited.
Content analysis of student reflective journals: How student perceptions change. A chapter in Practice Theory: Seeing the Power of Art Teacher Researchers. (65-68). Wilson-McKay, S. & Buffington, M. (eds.). Reston, VA: The National Art Education Association. Peer-reviewed.
Author/Columnist -The United States Society for Education through Art in NAEANews: Advancing Art Education. 57(3), May 2014. National Art Education Association, Reston, VA. Invited.
Author/Columnist -The United States Society for Education through Art in NAEANews: Advancing Art Education. 57(4), October 2014. National Art Education Association, Reston, VA. Invited.
Author/Columnist - The United States Society for Education through Art in NAEANews: Advancing Art Education. 57(5), December 2014. National Art Education Association, Reston, VA. Invited.
Author/Columnist - The United States Society for Education through Art in NAEANews: Advancing Art Education. 57(2), April 2013. National Art Education Association, Reston, VA. Invited.
Author/Columnist - The United States Society for Education through Art in NAEANews: Advancing Art Education. 57(3), May 2013. National Art Education Association, Reston, VA. Invited.
Author/Columnist - The United States Society for Education through Art in NAEANews: Advancing Art Education. 57(4), October 2013. National Art Education Association, Reston, VA. Invited.
Author/Columnist - The United States Society for Education through Art in NAEANews: Advancing Art Education. 57(5), December 2013. National Art Education Association, Reston, VA. Invited.
Author/Columnist - The United States Society for Education through Art in NAEANews: Advancing Art Education. 57(1), February 2013. National Art Education Association, Reston, VA. Invited.
Author/Contributor - Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators for Art Education. Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ. Invited.
Author with Agnew-Tally - Instructional Technologies and Social Media: First-Person Voices in Teacher Education (71-77). The Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education. 16(1). Berg Petersen, K., (ed). University of Aartsus, Denmark. Peer-reviewed.
Quadratic Pedagogy. A chapter in The Heart of Art Education: Holistic Approaches to Creativity, Integration, and Transformation. Campbell, H. L. & Simmons lll, S. (eds). (133-140). Reston, VA: The National Art Education Association. Peer-reviewed. ISBN: 1890160539.
Author with Shin, R.- An intercultural examination of similarities and differences of rituals and customs of two cultures. (361-380).The International Journal of Education through Art published by The International Society for Education Through Art. 6(3). DOI: Peer-reviewed.
A Condensed Skype Scholars: Excerpted from Instructional Technologies and Social Media: First-Person Voices in Teacher Education. ALT/space (4). Reeder, L. (ed). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Invited.
Cultural Lenses. ALT/space (3). Reeder, L. (ed). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Invited.
The First Days of Teacher Engagement. ALT/space 9(2). Reeder, L. (ed). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. April 2011. Invited.
Perceptual Changes Through Teaching Others. A chapter in Quick Hits for Service-Learning: Successful Strategies from Award-Winning Educators. Cooksey, M. A. & Olivares, K.T. (eds). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. Peer-reviewed
Author/Contributor - TExES Art Education State Licensure Examination. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. Invited.
Vertical Teaming For The Visual Arts in St. Joseph, Missouri with Stefl. AP Central. Found at: Invited.
Author/Auditor - AP Syllabus, Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC), Eugene, OR for the College Board AP® Course Audit. Invited.
Aesthetics and the Development of the Concentration. AP Central. Found at: Peer-reviewed
The Four Directions. The International Journal of Art & Design Education 24(1). London, UK: Blackwell, Peer-reviewed
Diversity in the Art Classroom. AP Central. Found at:,3045,151-165-0-3987,00.html Peer-reviewed
The Acoma Experience, a chapter in Community Connections: Intergenerational Links in Art Education: LaPorte, A. (ed). Reston, VA: The National Art Education Association. Peer-reviewed.
Author/Contributor - Art: Content Knowledge Examination of the Praxis Series. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. Invited.
The Historical and Operational Perspectives of The Advanced Placement Program in Studio Art. Art Education 57(1), January 2004 DOI:10.1080/00043125.2004.11653533. The Journal of the National Art Education Association. Reston, VA: The National Art Education Association. Peer-reviewed
What Art Educators Value in Artwork. Visual Arts Research, 28(1). The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Peer-reviewed
Acoma Pottery: First-hand experiences for Art Educators. Teaching Artists Journal. 1 (1). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Peer-reviewed This publication came from research conducted while co-teaching with Follensbee.
Author/Contributor - Art: Content Knowledge Examination of the Praxis Series. (2003 – 2000). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. Peer-reviewed
Clarity of perception: Intracultural understanding through a Native American perspective. Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education.21(2). Peer-reviewed
Artist As Teacher Exhibition. Show Me Art, Summer/Fall. A Publication of the Missouri Art Education Association. Invited.
Artist As Teacher Exhibition. Show Me Art, Spring. A Publication of the Missouri Art Education Association. Springfield, MO. Invited.
A Brief View of the AP Portfolio and the IB Art & Design Examination and Moderation. NAEA Advisory. Spring, 2000. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association. Invited.
Wherein Does Truth Lie. IB World. April 2000. Geneva, Switzerland: The International Baccalaureate Organisation. Peer-reviewed
Author/Contributor - Visual Arts Guide: Diploma Programme. The International Baccalaureate Organisation. Geneva, Switzerland. Invitational
Keynote <> Plenary <> Session Chair <> Moderator
Presenter/Moderator – Teaching strategies about justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the classroom, with Benzer, Richards, Shin, Jalil & De. National Art Education Association Conference. New York City. March 4. Peer-reviewed.
Keynote - Empowerment through Artistic Voice: The role of education and the arts in raising global awareness and contemporary identity at Human Capacity Building: Education, Arts, Technology, and Heritage Conference. Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt. 31 May. Invited.
Closing Plenary - Finding equilibrium through creativity, ingenuity, and self-empowerment in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic at FINDING EQUILIBRIUM: ART EDUCATION DURING COVID. the Master of Art Education [MAAE] EXHIBITION LAUNCH. Beaconhouse National University (BNU-SVAD) Lahore, Pakistan. 8 May. Invited.
Moderator/Presenter - Post-COVID-19: Teaching Artists Connecting Globally through Art making Processes, with Benzer, Richards, Jalil, De, & Shin. National Art Education Association Virtual Conference, Chicago, IL. March 4. Peer-reviewed.
Keynote – A Reflection on Mindful Meditation. ART EDUCATION IN THE TIME OF CORONAVIRUS: REFLECTING ON TODAY, ANTICIPATING TOMORROW. Czech Council for the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) - International Virtual Conference, 12-15 October. Invited.
Presenter/Moderator – A Webinar Conversation with the North American World Councillors for the International Society for Education through Art. Invited. April 25.
Session Chair/Moderator – Presentation - Art in crisis and the arrival of the I. Lisbet Skregelid (University of Agder, Norway), InSEA SEMINAR- Art Education: Conflicts and Connections. Valletta, Malta. 9 October. Invited.
Session Chair/Moderator – Presentation - LOOK AT ME, I WANT TO TALK TO YOU, Artistic practice as a means to make the deaf community visible. Maria Lorena Cueva Ramirez (University of Jaén, Spain), 9 October. Invited.
Presenter/Moderator – The current state of art education in North America during the pandemic from the perspectives of the InSEA North American World Councilors Webinar with Richards, Alexander, and Silverman 25 April. Invited.
Session Chair/Moderator - Global Consciousness through the Arts: A Passport for Students and Teachers with Richards (Jamaica), Shin (South Korea), Benzer (Turkey) Jalil (Pakistan), and De (India). National Art Education Association Conference, Boston, MA. 14 March. Peer-reviewed.
Keynote - Finding one’s voice through global awareness in times of challenges and transformations. The InSEA Asia Regional Congress, Hong Kong, 2018, and 7th World Chinese Art Education Symposium. The Regional Congress is hosted by the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and co-hosted by the Hong Kong Society for Education in Art (HKSEA) and World Chinese Arts Education Association (WCAEA). 9 December. Invited.
Keynote - Research journaling strategies for discovering artistic identity aligned with Global Consciousness through the Arts: A Passport for Students and Teachers Chapters 7 and 14 at El Cartografias de la Educacion Artistica y la Multiculturalidad Visual, InSEA Congreso Regional, Santiago, Chile. July 25-27. Invited.
Keynote - International Perspectives in Art Education: Preparing K-12 Students to Succeed in the 21st Century. The 2015 Society for Art Education of Korea (SAEK) International Conference, Seoul, Korea. 23 October. Peer-reviewed. [Skype]. Invited.
Keynote - Quadratic Pedagogy and Hocq’reila. The 2015 Society for Art Education of Korea (SAEK) International Conference, Seoul, Korea. 23 October. Peer-reviewed. [Skype]. Invited.
Keynote - Parallel Construction: The Native American Sweat Lodge and the Art Classroom. Associação de Professores de Expressão e Comunicação Visual (APECV) 27th Annual Conference. 16 May. Invited.
Session Chair/Moderator - Native American Art Forms to Teach with Morris, Delacruz, and Santos. The National Art Education Association Conference, New York City. 2 March. Peer-reviewed.
Finding one’s voice through global awareness in times of transformation. The University of Arizona. 14 April. Zoom.
Artes na Educação (Arts in Education). Open Source MOOC at : Associação de Professores de Expressão e Comunicação Visual Organização Sem Fins Lucrativos, CAE: 94120- NIF: 502152400Webinar. 3 JAN
Cultural Appropriation vs. Cultural Appreciation through Art: Why it Matters, with Benzer & Richards. National Art Education Association Conference. New York City. 3 March.
Reconciling Cultural Appropriations and Cultural Dynamism in the Art Room with Benzer & Richards. National Art Education Association Conference. New York City. 5 March.
(mis)Understanding Cultural Diversity with Benzer. Missouri Art Education Association, St. Louis. 8 April. Peer-reviewed.
Cultural Appropriation VS Cultural Appreciation through Art: Why it matters with Benzer. Missouri Art Education Association, St. Louis. 9 April. Peer-reviewed.
Seven Images: the environment, sustainability, and humanity. The Seminar: Participatory Arts, Design and Crafts on the island of Pico- Azores. The Seminar is a dissemination activity of the Project AMASS: Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture. 16 July.
Finding one’s voice through research journaling and artistic engagement. Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand. 10 July
Authenticity and joy in a time of uncertainty with Silverman, Alexander, Richards, and Veitgen. International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) Webinar. Invited. 16 February.
Radical Art Making as a Process for Building Global Citizenship with Richards and Benzer. SEAMOS RADICALES / BEING RADICAL, INSEA European Regional Congress. Baeza, Spain. Peer-reviewed. 8 July
The Dichotomy of Cultural Diversity with Richards and Benzer. United States Society for Education Through Art Virtual Conference. Peer-reviewed. 17 July.
Cultural Appropriation, Cultural Appreciation, and Cultural Collaboration through Art with Benzer and Richards. United States Society for Education Through Art Virtual Conference. Peer-reviewed. 16 July
Post-COVID-19: Sharing Artistic Connectivity is Essential for Art Education with Benzer & Richards. United States Society for Education Through Art Virtual Conference. Peer-reviewed. 15 July
Connecting with others through the art-making process is essential. The University of Arizona. [Zoom]. 1 April
Using Conceptual Pedagogy to Counteract Cultural Appropriations in the Art Room with Benzer & Richards. National Art Education Association Virtual Conference, Chicago, IL. 5 March. Peer-reviewed.
Authenticity and Joy in a Time of Uncertainty, with Silverman, Alexander, Richards, & Vietgen. National Art Education Association Virtual Conference, Chicago, IL. 5 March. Peer-reviewed
Post-COVID-19: Sharing Artistic Connectivity is Essential for Art Education with Benzer & Richards. National Art Education Association Virtual Conference, Chicago, IL. 4 March. Peer-reviewed.
Sharing Artistic Connectivity is Essential for Art Education with Richards & Benzer. USSEA Regional/InSEA Endorsed Conference in Santa Fe, NM.
Deal Me In: Conversations about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Art Education with Legan, Birhanu, and Benzer. The Missouri Art Education Association. Lake of the Ozarks. 26 March.
Critical Race Theory and Anti-racism in Education with Silverman, Richards, Alexander, and Acuff. InSEA Webinar presentation - October 11. Invited.
Facing COVID-19 Challenges and Re-envisioning an Interconnective Future Webinar with Shin, La Porte, Caldwell, and Richards, A. Czech Council for the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) - International Virtual Conference, 15 October. Invited.
These are unprecedented times in art education: Conversations with artists and educators in two very different parts of the world Webinar with Silverman (USA), McDonald, (AU), Richards (USA), Baker (AU), Alexander (USA), Coleman (AU). 9 May. Invited.
The current state of play of art education during the pandemic from the perspectives of the InSEA Executive as global leaders in art education Webinar with Coutts (Scotland), Elsheikh (Egypt), Bodkin (Ireland), Ferreira (Portugal), and Eca (Portugal). 25 May. Invited.
The situation of race in the United States Webinar with Joni Boyd-Acuff, Allan Richards, Amanda Alexander, and Jonathan Silverman. 10 October. Invited.
Connecting with others through the art-making process. University of Arizona School of Art. [Zoom] March. Invited.
InSEA Research and Praxis Webinar Series Launch Webinar. Join Australian Art Educators this Arts Education Week Thursday 23 May 2019 at 8 am (Australian EST) Please join InSEA World Councillors, Professor Steve Willis and Dr. Kate Coleman as we kick off our new Research and Praxis webinars in Australia during International Arts Education Week. May 23. Invited.
Citizenship, Arts Education, and Democracy in the 21st Century with Richards. InSEA SEMINAR- Art Education: Conflicts and Connections. Valletta, Malta. Peer-reviewed.
Practical experiences for visual arts research and journal development, 2019 InSEA World Congress in Vancouver, Canada, July 9-13. Peer-reviewed.
Finding one’s identity and voice through visual arts research and journal development, 2019 InSEA World Congress in Vancouver, Canada, July 9-13. Peer-reviewed.
Addressing the Dichotomy of Cultural Diversity with Richards, A., 2019 InSEA World Congress in Vancouver, Canada, July 9-13. Peer-reviewed.
Transforming Local Communities to the Ethos of a Global Economy: Who is Responsible?” with Richards, A. 2019 InSEA World Congress in Vancouver, Canada, July 9-13. Peer-reviewed.
InSEA and CSEA President's Panel with Torres Eca. International Society for Education through Art World Congress. Vancouver, BC. July 9-13. Peer-reviewed.
A Problem-based pedagogy, art education, and cultural diversity with Richards. 16 March. Peer-reviewed.
Finding one’s voice through visual research. Missouri Art Education Association Conference. Kansas City, MO. 13 April. Invited.
Round Table: ARTCEPTIVITY. The Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok, Thailand) and Southeast Asia and Pacific International Society for Education Through Art (InSEA). 4 December. Invited
Finding One’s Voice through Visual Arts Research & Journal Development. Don Bosco Auditorium, University of Saint Joseph Estrada Marginal da Ilha Verde, Macau, China. 6 December. Invited.
Finding one’s voice through visual arts research and journal development. with Richards. The International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) and The Society for Arts Education in Namibia (SAEN) in Walvis Bay, Namibia. 1 November. Peer-reviewed.
Citizenship in Arts and Education Programs with Richards. International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) and The Society for Arts Education in Namibia (SAEN) in Walvis Bay, Namibia. 31 October. Peer-reviewed.
Global Awareness: Transforming Otherness into Educational Assets through Art Education with Richards. The International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) and The Society for Arts Education in Namibia (SAEN) in Walvis Bay, Namibia. 31 October. Peer-reviewed.
Practical experiences for visual arts research and journal development with Richards. The International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) and The Society for Arts Education in Namibia (SAEN) in Walvis Bay, Namibia. 31 October. Peer-reviewed.
The Intersectionality of Understanding Otherness at the Third African and the Middle East InSEA Regional Congress and The Second AmeSea International Conference, Cairo, Egypt. April 1-3, 2018. Invited.
Internationalizing Art Education with Bastos & Hutzel. National Art Education Association Conference, Seattle, WA. 22 March. Peer-reviewed.
Research journaling strategies for discovering artistic identity aligned with International Citizenship through the Arts with Anderson, Richards, & Kelly. National Art Education Association Conference, Seattle, WA. 22 March. Peer-reviewed.
Mapping and Redressing ‘Culture’ in Art Education and Research with Lim, Shin, Beaumont, Benzer, & Richards. National Art Education Association Conference, Seattle, WA. 24 March. Peer reviewed
Conceptual Frameworks for Culturally Sensitive Research and Teaching in a Global World with Cohee-Manifold, M. & Zimmerman, E. National Art Education Association Conference, Seattle, WA. 24 March. Peer-reviewed.
InSEA – Beyond Regionality. Missouri Art Collaborative. Friday, August 24, 2018, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Room 470, Governor’s Office Building, 200 Madison Street, Jefferson City, 65101. Invited.
Research journaling strategies for discovering artistic identity aligned with
Global Consciousness through the Arts. Springfield Public School secondary art teachers’ professional development. February 23. Invited.
Multiple intersections of first-person understanding of Otherness by pre-service art educators. The 35th InSEA World Congress - Spirit ∞ Art ∞ Digital”. August 8. Daegu, South Korea. Peer-reviewed.
Teaching in a Diverse Classroom with Richards. The International School, Agra, India. Invited
International Connections and Global Initiatives for Change: Possibilities for Participation in InSEA with Hutzel, Manifold, Irwin, and Blakie. National Art Education Association National Conference in New York, NY, 3 March. Peer-reviewed.
Understanding Otherness with Preservice Art Education Learners with Wexler. National Art Education Association National Conference in New York, NY, 3 March. Peer-reviewed.
A Study of non-Native Cultural Immersion at the Acoma Pueblo with Kendra Efker, Olivia Libby, Sydney Messerli, Erin O’Sullivan & Sarah Stracke. National Art Education Association National Conference in New York, NY, 4 March. Peer-reviewed.
Curriculum Development for Global Education with Richards. The 2016 Society for Art Education of Korea (SEAK) International Conference. Seoul, South Korea. September 23-24. Peer-reviewed. [Skype]. Invited.
The intersectionality of understanding Otherness by pre-service art educators. Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life, Milwaukee, WI. 7 October. Peer-reviewed.
The Benefits of InSEA: An International Network of Art Educators with Manifold. The National Art Education Association Conference in Chicago, IL. 17 March. Peer-reviewed.
A Tapestry of Individuality: Weaving Complexion, Identity and Authority in Transforming our Practices: Indigenous Art and Pedagogies with editors Ballengee-Morris and Staikidid and authors. The National Art Education Association Conference Chicago, IL 18 March. Peer-reviewed.
Cultural Sensitivity in a Global World: A Guide for Teachers with Manifold, C. M. & Zimmerman, E. The book is published by the National Art Education Association. 19 March. Chicago, IL. Invited.
Missouri Arts Council FY17 Annual Arts Education/Artist in Residence and Professional Development grant applications. JULIE HALE, Arts Education Program Specialist, MISSOURI ARTS COUNCIL, 815 Olive Street, Ste. 16, St. Louis, MO 63101-1503 Invited.
The intersectionality of understanding Otherness by pre-service art educators. Missouri Chapter of the National Association of Multicultural Educators (MoNAME). Kansas City. 22 October. Peer-reviewed.
Primary components of Art Education. The Art Education Program at the University of Minnesota - Duluth. 3 March. Invited.
First-person Voices from the Pueblos with Bliss, Corbett, and Lankford. The National Art Education Association Conference in New Orleans, LA, 26 March. Peer-reviewed.
Nurturing Cultural Appreciation and Mutual Respect through Art with Manifold and Richards. The National Art Education Association Conference in New Orleans, LA, 27 March. Peer-reviewed.
Onye Ocha or Nigeria: There and Back Again. The National Art Education Association Conference in New Orleans, LA, 27 March. Peer-reviewed.
Redesigning how Multicultural Education is delivered in the 21st-Century Classroom with Richards. The National Art Education Association Conference in New Orleans, LA, 28 March. Peer-reviewed.
Onye Ocha or Nigeria: There and Back Again. Missouri Art Education Association. Kansas City, MO. 10 April. Invited.
Learning Continuity in Pre-Service Visual Art Teacher Education with Boulton-Funke. Missouri Art Education Association. Kansas City, MO. 11 April. Invited.
A Conversational Approach to Teaching with Richards (USA), Eca (Portugal), Moren (Sweden), and Barbera (Spain) [video]. 34th International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) World Congress - "Diversity through Art" The MCG, Melbourne, Australia. 8 July. Peer-reviewed.
Engaging Worldwide Networks and Collaborations Through InSEA with Manifold and Davenport. The National Art Education Association Conference in San Diego, CA, 29 March. Peer-reviewed.
Getting Real: American Indians Contemporary Arts Lesson Development. with Ballengee-Morris and Santos. The National Art Education Association Conference in San Diego, CA, 29 March. Peer-reviewed.
Cultural Sensitivity: Art Education in Global Contexts with Manifold and Zimmerman. The National Art Education Association Conference in San Diego, CA, 30 March. Peer-reviewed.
Transforming our Practices: Indigenous Art, Pedagogies, and Emerging Technology with Staikidis and Ballengee-Morris. The National Art Education Association Conference in San Diego, CA, 31 March. Peer-reviewed.
Art Education in the 21st Century. The Art Education Program at the University of Kentucky. 12 Sept. Invited.
Imbedding Multicultural Education in the Preparation of Teachers and School Leaders: Getting the Ball Rolling. Professional Education Unit, College of Education, and the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning. Missouri State University. 15 February. Invited.
Native Americana: Ceremonies and Cultures. Missouri State University. 2 April. Invited.
The Conversational Approach: A Multicultural Interdisciplinary Understanding. Inclusive Excellence. 2013 Public Affairs Conference. Missouri State University. 9-12 April. Invited.
Common misconceptions of Native American Ceremonies. Missouri State University. 31 October. Invited.
The Conversational Approach: A multicultural interdisciplinary understanding. National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) –Region 7 Conference. The University of Missouri-Kansas City. 13 April. Peer-reviewed.
Native Americana. Shalom Academy. Nsukka, Nigeria. 25 November. Invited.
Hocq’reila and Cultural Sensitivity. Federal College of Education (Technical) Akoka, Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Lagos, Nigeria. 13 December. Invited.
Assessment for inclusion. Indiana University, Bloomington. 20 February. [Skype] Invited.
Hocq’reila images and Quadratic pedagogy. The University of Arizona. 26 March. [Skype] Invited.
Hocq’reila Images' impact on Art Education. The University of Minnesota - Duluth. 5 November. [Skype] Invited.
Quadratic Pedagogy and Hocq’reila. The National Art Education Association Conference, Ft. Worth, TX. 7 March. Peer-reviewed.
The Blended Classroom with Skype Scholars. The National Art Education Association Conference, Ft. Worth, TX. 7 March. Peer-reviewed.
Culturally Sensitive Art Educational Practices in Local and Global Communities with Manifold and Zimmerman. The National Art Education Association Conference, Ft. Worth, TX. 9 March. Peer-reviewed.
Native American Art: Traditional and Contemporary Issues with Santos. The National Art Education Association Conference, Ft. Worth, TX. 8 March. Peer-reviewed.
Walking in Many Worlds: Cultural Hybridity, Globalization, and Native American Artists with Santos, Delacruz, and Ballengee-Morris. The National Art Education Association Conference, Ft. Worth, TX. 9 March. Peer-reviewed.
Service Learning, pedagogy, and assessment for contemporary art educators. Utah Valley University. January 24-26 Invited.
Culturally sensitive curricula. University of Minnesota - Duluth. 15 February. [Skype] Invited.
Authentic Curriculum and Assessment. Indiana University, Bloomington. 22 February. [Skype] Invited
Modification, and Commodification of Post-Colonial Indigenous art forms with Wexler. The National Art Education Association Conference, New York City. 2 March. Peer-reviewed.
Authenticity in Teaching Native American Art Forms with Santos. The National Art Education Association Conference, New York City. 2 March. Peer-reviewed.
Fundamentals of Designing Culturally Sensitive Curricula with Manifold, and Shrirodhkar, The National Art Education Association Conference, New York City. 4 March. Peer-reviewed.
Youth Empowerment & Community Development with Wexler and Knochel. InSEA/USSEA Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. 25 June. Peer-reviewed.
Promoting Cultural Sensitivity through the Conversational Approach to Teaching with Richards. InSEA/USSEA Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. 25 June. Peer-reviewed.
Instructional Technologies and Social Media: First-Person Voices in Teacher Education with Agnew-Tally. International Society for Teacher Education (ISfTE). University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway. 16-20, May. Peer-reviewed. [Skype]
Designing Culturally Sensitive Art Curricula with Cohee-Manifold, Chen, and De. 33rd International Society for Education through the Arts (InSEA) World Congress at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. 27-30 June. Peer-reviewed.
Visual Letters from The Past: Children’s Drawings from the MOMA. 33rd International Society for Education through the Arts (InSEA) World Congress at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. 27-30 June. Peer-reviewed.
Designing Culturally Sensitive Art Curricula with Cohee-Manifold and Andrews. The National Art Education Association Conference, Seattle, WA. 19 March. Peer-reviewed.
Beyond Social Justice Rhetoric in a Post-Mascot World: Embracing Native American Creativity as “Living Culture” with Delacruz, Ballengee-Morris, Stuhr. The National Art Education Association Conference, Seattle, WA. 19 March. Peer-reviewed.
The Mission of USSEA/InSEA and Why You Should Become Involved with Manifold and Knight. The National Art Education Association Conference, Seattle, WA. March 19. Peer-reviewed.
Quadratic Pedagogy. Indiana University, Bloomington. 15 September. [Skype] Invited.
Hocq’reila & Culturally sensitive curricula. University of Minnesota - Duluth. 28 September. [Skype] Invited.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment for Culturally Sensitive Curriculum. The University of Arizona. 18 October. [Skype] Invited.
Native Americana: Ceremonies and Societies. Missouri State University. 22 February. Invited.
Inter-Connectivity Within Art Concepts. Missouri Art Education Association Annual Conference, Springfield, MO. 5 March. Invited.
Perceptions and Diversity: Take Me Out of My Box! with Abidogun. Diversity and Economic Development Summit: Enhancing your success through Cultural Competency, Office for Diversity and Inclusion, Missouri State University. 28 April. Invited.
Cultural Sensitivity in Advisement Sessions with Abidogun. Master Advisor Workshop. Missouri State University. 29 April. Invited.
Native Americana: Diversity, traditions, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. Missouri State University. 3 November. Invited.
Native Americana: Past and Present. International Fair 2010, Universidad Regiomontana Monterrey, Mexico. 27 January. [Skype] Invited.
Campus Internationalization – Use of Social Media and Videoconferencing in the Classroom with Ullrich and Mejia. The 10th International Research Conference on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. October 28-30. Indianapolis, IN. Peer-reviewed
Native Americans’ Living Art, Culture, History, and Spirituality: Authentic Art Lessons for the 21st Century with Delacruz, Morris, Minner, and Farris. The National Art Education Association Conference, Baltimore, MD. 15 April. Peer-reviewed.
Quadratic Pedagogy. The University of Arizona. 9 November. [Skype]. Invited.
Perceptual Changes and Educational Relationships. United States Society for Education through the Arts (USSEA) National Conference for Regional Outreach, SUNY, New Paltz, NY. 11 June. Peer-reviewed.
The Interaction of the university students’ teaching at a local jail and private special needs school. Panel with Blandy, Bickley, Davenport, Congdon, and Sproll. United States Society for Education through the Arts (USSEA). National Conference for Regional Outreach, SUNY, New Paltz, NY. 11 June. Peer-reviewed.
Native Americana: Diversity, traditions, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. Missouri State University. 18 November. Invited.
Diversity Issues in Literacy and Content Area Instruction. Missouri State University. Invited.
Preparing a scholarship portfolio High School Art Workshops. Missouri State University, Springfield, MO.
Success in college Hickory Hills Middle School Studio Workshops. Missouri State University, Springfield, MO.
College admissions and art scholarships, Central High School, Parkview High School, Glendale High School, & Kickapoo High School
Graduate Student Network Mentorship Program, The 10th International Research Conference on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. October 28-30, 2010 at Indianapolis, IN.
Perceptual changes found in engaged Service Learning, The National Art Education Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN. Peer-reviewed
Cultural Understanding through first-hand experiences at the Acoma Pueblo. The National Art Education Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN. Peer-reviewed
Diversity Issues in Art and Visual Culture Education. The University of Arizona. [Skype]. Invited.
Diversity Issues in Literacy and Content Area Instruction. Missouri State University. Invited.
Diversity and Multicultural Issues in Counseling. Missouri State University. Invited.
Perceptual changes found in Engaged Service Learning. The 8th International Research Conference on Service-learning and Community Engagement, New Orleans, LA. Peer-reviewed
The Studio Art Portfolios. (2008 – 2005). Seymour High School, Seymour, MO Invited.
The Perception and Reciprocity of Service-Learning with Horton and Popper. Missouri Campus Compact Conference: Educating Citizens - Building Communities. Washington University, St. Louis, MO. October 17-18. Peer-reviewed.
Prejudices: A Native Perspective. Missouri State University. Springfield, MO. Invited.
Diversity and Multicultural Issues in Counseling. Missouri State University. Invited.
The Big Idea: A review of critical pedagogy in the classroom. Springfield Public School Middle School Art Teachers. Springfield, MO. Invited.
The arts are an essential part of human experiences. The Creamery Art Center, Springfield, MO. Invited.
Cultural understanding through first-hand experiences. The Seventh International Research Conference on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, October 6-9 in Tampa, FL. Peer-reviewed
Advanced Placement Studio Portfolio Institutes Invitational: Fontbonne University, St. Louis, MO
A Multi-year review of Missouri State University’s pre-service art educators’ engagement with Community Action and Service-learning. Missouri Campus 2007 Statewide Conference: Developing Citizen-Scholars across Missouri. September 28-29, 2007. Peer-reviewed.
Strategies for Success in the AP Portfolios. Missouri Art Education Association Spring Conference, Springfield, MO. Invited.
AP Portfolio Review. Parkview High School, Springfield, MO
AP Portfolio Review. Seymour High School, Seymour, MO.
Advanced Placement Overview. Southeastern College Art Association Conference, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. Peer-reviewed
The AP Concentration: Strategies for Student Success. Advanced Placement Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. Peer-reviewed
Meet the Development Committee: Studio Art with Ambush and Lamb. Advanced Placement Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. Peer-reviewed
The AP Studio Art Connection to College: Success in Foundation Programs. Moderated by Ambush with Bridges, Coles, Lamb, and Stewart. Advanced Placement Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. Peer-reviewed
Recent Developments in AP Studio Art with Sims-Gunzenhauser, Ambush, and Chambliss. The National Art Education Association Conference, Chicago, IL. Peer-reviewed
Photo and Digital Media in AP Portfolio with Komando. The National Art Education Association Conference, Chicago, IL. Peer-reviewed
Cultural Paradigm: Pushing the AP Rubric. The National Art Education Association Conference, Chicago, IL. Peer-reviewed
Advanced Placement Teacher Training Invitational Wichita, KS. Invited.
Advanced Placement Studio Portfolio Institutes. The University of Missouri. Columbia, MO Invited.
Access to the Springfield-Greene County Historical Museum for the Visually Impaired. Missouri/ Campus Compact Grant. Melissa Mace, Executive Director. Peer-reviewed
AP Portfolio. Regional student workshop. MSU.
AP Portfolio Review. Central High School, Springfield, MO.
Advanced Placement Studio Art Portfolio review. Central High School, Springfield, MO
Reaching Diverse Students in AP Studio Art with Lucy and Ambush. The National Art Education Association Conference, Boston, MA. Peer-reviewed
Lost in Space with Lucy. The National Art Education Association Conference, Boston, MA. Peer-reviewed
Advanced Placement Portfolio preparation Richmond County Public Schools. Augusta, GA. (Davidson School of The Arts, Westside High School & Butler High School)
The AP Concentration: Scoring and Issues with Welch and Winkler. The National Art Education Association Conference, Boston, MA. Peer-reviewed
Advanced Placement Studio Portfolio Institutes. Anchorage School District, Anchorage, AK, Nova University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, St. Joseph School District, St. Joseph, MO, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, & Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO
The Three Advanced Placement Portfolios. Missouri Art Education Association Spring Conference, Lake of the Ozarks, MO. Invited.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Teacher Training one-day Seminar, Lee Summit, MO. Invited
Approaches for the 3D AP Portfolio with Chamblis and Engelhard. The National Art Education Association Conference, Denver, CO. Peer-reviewed
Cultural identity found in student artwork. The National Art Education Association Conference, Denver CO. Peer-reviewed.
Advanced Placement Teacher Training Invited: Spartanburg, SC
Advanced Placement Studio Portfolio Institutes. Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, & Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO
Portfolio: A Critical Review, Kickapoo High School, Springfield, MO.
Acoma Pottery: Dissolving Traditional Classroom Walls. The National Art Education Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN. Peer-reviewed
Advanced Placement Teacher Training. St. Louis, MO
Acoma Pottery: Dissolving Traditional Classroom Walls. Missouri Art Education Association Spring Conference, Lake of the Ozarks, MO. Invited.
Advanced Placement Studio Portfolio Institutes: Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY
Advanced Placement Studio Art Portfolio review. Parkview High School, Springfield, MO
Advanced Placement Studio Portfolio, (2003 – 1990). Educational Testing Service, Trenton, NJ.
Advanced Placement Studio Portfolio Institutes. Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, & Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO
Advanced Placement Teacher Training. Fort Lauderdale, FL
Two Portfolios to Three: A Look at the New AP Portfolios. Missouri Art Education Association Spring Conference, Kansas City, MO. Invited.
Portfolio Scholarships, Kickapoo High School, Springfield, MO.
Processes in Serigraphy. Drury University.
Iconographic Imagery: Past and Present in The Literature of the Bible. Kickapoo High School, Springfield, MO.
Advanced Placement Workshop, Parkview High School.
Advanced Placement Workshop, Kickapoo High School.
Advanced Placement Studio Portfolio Institutes. Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY
Perception: An Old Look at New Ways, Big XII American Indian Student Leadership Conference, University of Kansas, Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, KS. Peer-reviewed.
Advanced Placement Teacher Training Norfolk, VA, Orlando, FL.
Multicultural education within art practices. Springfield Public Schools, Springfield, MO. Invited.
Springfield Public Schools Pre-school In-service Conference (2001 – 2000), Secondary Art Education, Springfield, MO. Invited.
Cultural Misappropriation. Missouri Art Education Association Spring Conference, Lake of the Ozarks, MO. Invited.
Advanced Placement Studio Portfolio Institutes. Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY & Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO
Two-day workshop for the Studio Art General and Drawing Portfolios. William Chrisman High School, Independence, MO. Invited.
AP requirements for the Studio Art General and Drawing Portfolios. Truman High School, Independence, MO. Invited.
Clarity of Assessment Rubrics used in AP and IB. Missouri Art Education Association Spring Conference. St. Louis, MO. Invited.
Cultural Misappropriation in Art Curricula. Missouri Art Education Association Fall Conference, Knob Noster, MO. Invited.
Advanced Placement Teacher Training. Detroit, MI, Columbia, SC, Chicago, IL, Richmond, VA, & Norfolk, VA
Southwest District Art Teachers Association Fall Conference, Spokane, MO. Invited.
Native American Culture and Storytelling, Kickapoo High School, Springfield, MO. Invited.
Southwest District Art Teachers Association Fall Conference, Spokane, MO. Invited.
The Mozart Effect, Deer Lake Elementary School, Tallahassee, FL. Invited.
The United States Society for Education through Art’s Edwin Ziegfeld Award.
The United States Society for Education through Art’s Kenneth Marantz Fellows Award.
Distinguished Fellow. The National Art Education Association. Elected.
Member - Council for Policy Studies in Art Education, the National Art Education Association. Elected.
Missouri Higher Education Art Educator of the Year. Missouri Art Education Association.
Service Award, College of Arts and Letters. Southwest Missouri State University.
Teaching Award, College of Arts and Letters. Southwest Missouri State University.
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